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This section contains evaluation reports, evaluation syntheses, baseline reports, reviews, surveys and studies, policy briefs and publications by DEval employees.

1 result(s) found for your search.

Using Mediation Analysis to Uncover Psychological Mechanisms of Attitude Change in a Development Volunteer Program

  • Dr. Martin Bruder
  • Dr. Jan Tobias Polak
  • Dr. Kerstin Guffler
  • Laura Scheinert

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Bibliographical information

  • Bruder, M., Polak, J.T., Guffler, K., & Scheinert, L (2020). Using mediation analysis to uncover psychological mechanisms of attitude change in a development volunteer program. In J.Schmitt(Ed.), Causal Mechanisms in Program Evaluation. New Directions for Evaluation, 167, 131–143.
Methods and standards Instruments and structures of development cooperation
Deckblatt des englischen Berichtes "Causal Mechanisms in Program Evaluation" 2020
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