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OthersSustainabilityEvaluation Capacity DevelopmentLatin America and Caribbeanongoing


The aim of the project Focelac+ (Fomento de una cultura de evaluación y de aprendizaje en América Latina con proyección global = Strengthening a Culture of Evaluation and Learning in Latin America with a Global Outlook) is for evaluations in selected countries (especially in Latin America) to make a greater contribution to accountability, transparency and learning. The project thus strengthens good governance, which is a prerequisite for the fulfilment of the 2030 Agenda.

The project partner is the Costa Rican Ministry of Planning, Mideplan. The long-standing advisory services and capacity building of its evaluation unit in the framework of the predecessor projects Foceval and Focelac has made it possible for Mideplan to engage as a multiplier for strengthening national evaluation capacities in the region.

In line with the project’s systemic approach, project implementation is based on the evaluation system as a whole – promoting the capacities of public, private and civil society stakeholders at individual and institutional level and strengthening an enabling environment for evaluation. In this regard, the project promotes not only the competencies of the various stakeholders involved in the evaluation system, but also the exchange and cooperation with one another.

To promote systemic change, Focelac+ works together with various international ECD stakeholders that join forces, for example, in the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI). Cooperating with GEI provides the opportunity to establish a global ECD platform to work together on strengthening evaluation capacities in partner countries. Focelac+ continues to focus on Latin America, but will also be active in other countries in cooperation with GEI partners.

Project’s Lines of Work

Promoting Evaluation Capacities in public institutions

The public sector has a central role to play in the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement and in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this context, it is the responsibility of the public sector to establish appropriate institutions and mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating progress made and ensure their functionality.  The project therefore works together with public sector institutions in this area in order to ensure their ability to perform with regard to their function of evaluating the achievement of the SDGs.

Promoting inclusive evaluation processes

The cooperation and inclusion of all population groups is an important prerequisite for the fulfilment of the 2030 Agenda and its guiding principle “leave no one behind”. Focelac+ strengthens inclusive evaluation approaches, enhancing evaluations with the complementary perspective of civil society and private actors and thus promoting the transparency and accountability function of evaluations. The project strengthens the capacities of private and civil society actors with regard to planning, managing, implementing and using evaluation. It advises state actors on inclusive evaluation and sensitises them towards the issue. In line with the principle of the 2030 Agenda to “leave no one behind”, gender-appropriate and inclusive evaluation approaches are highlighted in the capacity development of civil society, private sector and state actors.

Promoting capacities for conducting high-quality evaluations in selected Latin American countries

The 2030 Agenda and the Paris Climate Agreement, as well as the substantial changes in the global context as a result of COVID-19, place new demands on evaluations. Accordingly, there is a great need to expand the evaluation capacities of evaluation experts – including young emerging evaluators. In addition to the training of evaluators, Focelac+ focuses on networking evaluation experts, gaining practical evaluation knowledge, and developing and disseminating knowledge products.

Promoting increased exchange between different stakeholders in the field of evaluation

As a contribution to SDG 17 in the field of evaluation and to strengthening an enabling environment, the project networks relevant evaluation actors, encouraging them to share ideas and work together. Here, the project relies on the tried-and-tested method of the multi-actor platform, which established itself as a national evaluation platform in the context of the Foceval and Focelac projects in Costa Rica. It also intends to use this multi-actor method more intensively in cooperation with GEI for the purpose of identifying, discussing and coordinating joint scientific activities with project partners. Focelac+ uses a regional evaluation platform of its own for joint project planning and management.


Portrait von Sarah Desiree Klier
© DEval

Sarah Desiree Klier

Evaluator - Team Leader ECD

Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-943


Portrait von Dr. Sven Harten
© DEval

Dr Sven Harten

Head of Competence Centre for Evaluation Methodology / Deputy Director

Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-950


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