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This section contains evaluation reports, evaluation syntheses, baseline reports, reviews, surveys and studies, policy briefs and publications by DEval employees.

1 result(s) found for your search.

Building Bridges Between International Humanitarian and Development Responses to Forced Migration

  • Dr. Alexander Kocks
  • Ruben Wedel
  • Helge Roxin

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Bibliographical information

  • Kocks et al. (2018), Building Bridges Between International Humanitarian and Development Responses to Forced Migration. A Review of Conceptual and Empirical Literature with a Case Study on the Response to the Syria Crisis, EBA Report 2018:02, Expert Group for Aid Studies, Sweden, and German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval), Germany
Instrumente und Strukturen der EZ Fragilität und Konflikt Jordanien Libanon Türkei Syrien Irak Berichte
Deckblatt des EBA(The Expert Group for Aid Studies)- und DEval-Berichtes "Building Bridges between International Humanitarian and Development Responses to Forced Migration" 2018
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