Consultant team for a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on Experimental Studies on Public Attitudes towards Foreign Aid

In the context of the study "DEval Opinion Monitor for Development Policy 2024", the institute is requesting for a consultant team to undertake a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on Experimental Studies on Public Attitudes towards Foreign Aid for the period from August 15, 2024 to December 31, 2026.

The DEval Opinion Monitor for Development Policy provides independent, objective, and policy-relevant information on public opinion and attitudes towards development policy and global sustainability to key stakeholders in the development sector in Germany. These stakeholders include parliamentarians, BMZ leadership and programme officers (including, in particular, the units for evaluation, communication, civic engagement, and global learning), relevant NGOs, implementing agencies, and the media. The results of the study should inform and improve policy-making and communication of development cooperation to citizens. This purpose is in line with DEval’s overarching objective to contribute to the legitimacy of development cooperation.

Activities and deliverables

To develop the SR/MA, the consultant team shall undertake the following specific activities and submit the following deliverables:

  1. Based on a review of the relevant literature, develop a conceptual framework for the SR/MA.
  2. Formulate a search and review protocol 
  3. Provide a list of studies included in the SR/MA.
  4. Prepare a shareable SR/MA datasheet (e.g., xlsx format) that contains the data extracted from the included studies.
  5. Provide a preliminary report of results for the SR/MA
  6. Participate in an author workshop to plan the subsequent publication.
  7. Write a high-quality SR/MA report.
The deadline for submission of tenders is July 10, 2024.

You will find all information about the assignment, the required qualifications and all information about the requirement for the application here.

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