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  • Head of Department: State Fragility, Conflict and Governance

Dr Stefan Leiderer

© DEval

Studies in Economics at University of Mannheim, Dr. rer. pol; 2003-2015 (senior) researcher at German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), leading and implementing research and evaluation projects in the fields of public finance and effectiveness of new aid modalities, with a regional focus on sub-Saharan Africa. Head of department at DEval since September 2015.

Key qualifications

Thematic focus

Planning, managing and implementing evaluations

Instruments and systemic questions of development cooperation

Political economy of public finance

Methodological focus

Quantitative and qualitative methods of social research and evaluation

Selected publications

Masaki, T., Parks, B. C., Faust, J., Leiderer, S., DiLorenzo, M. D. (2021), "Aid Management, Trust, and Development Policy Influence: New Evidence from a Survey of Public Sector Officials in Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries", Studies in Comparative International Development.

Koch, S., S. Leiderer, J. Faust and N. Molenaers (2016), "The rise and demise of European budget support: political economy of collective European Union donor action", Development Policy Review, doi:10.1111/dpr.12190.

Leiderer, S. (2015), "Donor Coordination for Effective Government Policies?", Journal of International Development, 27(8), 1422-1445.

Gisselquist, R., S. Leiderer and M. Niño-Zarazúa (2015), "Ethnic Heterogeneity and Public Goods Provision in Zambia: Evidence of a Subnational "Diversity Dividend", World Development, Vol. 78: 308-323.

Leiderer, S. (2014), Who Gets the Schools? Political Targeting of Economic and Social Infrastructure Provision in Zambia, Discussion Paper 27/2014, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE).

Leiderer, S. (2012), Fungibility and the Choice of Aid Modalities, WIDER Working Paper No. 2012/68, World Institute for Development Economics Research.

Faust, J., S. Leiderer and J. Schmitt (2012), “Financing Poverty Alleviation vs. Promoting Democracy? Multi-Donor Budget Support in Zambia”, Democratisation, 19(3), 438-464. 

Leiderer, S. et al. (2012), Efficiency of Service Provision at Local Government Level in Zambia in Health, Education and Roads: Implications for Decentralisation and Budget Support, DIE Study 71, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE).

Leiderer, S. and J. Faust (2012), Evaluation of Budget Support in Zambia: Implementation, Direct Effects and Political Economy, DIE Study 68, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE).

De Kemp, A. ,J. Faust and S. Leiderer (2011), Between High Expectations and Reality – An Evaluation of Budget Support in Zambia, Synthesis Report, Bonn / the Hague / Stockholm, BMZ / Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Sida. 

De Kemp, A., S. Leiderer and R. Ruben (2011), “Too much, too quickly: the woes of budget support”, The Broker, Issue 26.

Faust, J., S. Koch and S. Leiderer (2011), Multi-Donor Budget Support – Only Halfway to Effective Coordination, Briefing Paper 8/201, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik / German Development Institute (DIE), Bonn. 

Leiderer, S. (2010), „Zur Wirksamkeit und Evaluierung von Budgethilfen“, in J. Faust and S. Neubert (eds.), Wirksamere Entwicklungspolitik: Befunde, Reformen, Instrumente (Entwicklungstheorie und Entwicklungspolitik 8), Baden-Baden: Nomos Verl.-Ges., 229-255.

Faust, J. and S. Leiderer (2008), „Zur Effektivität und politischen Ökonomie der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit“, Politische Vierteljahresschrift,  49 (1), 129-152.

Ashoff, G. et al. (2008), The Paris Declaration: Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration: Case Study of Germany, Evaluation Reports 032, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Bonn.

Leiderer, S. et al. (2007), Public Financial Management for PRSP Implementation in Malawi, DIE Study 28, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik(DIE), Bonn.

Leiderer S. and P. Wolff (2007), Gestion des finances publiques: une contribution à la bonne gouvernance financière, Annuaire suisse de politique de développement 26(2007), 2.

Klingebiel, S., S. Leiderer and P. Schmidt (2007), Wie wirksam sind neue Modalitäten der  Entwicklungszusammenarbeit? Erste Erfahrungen mit Programme-BasedApproaches (PBAs), Discussion Paper No. 7/2007, German Development Institute (DIE), Bonn.


Portrait von Dr. Stefan Leiderer
© DEval

Dr Stefan Leiderer

Head of Department: State Fragility, Conflict Prevention and Governance

Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-940


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