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  • Evaluator

Dr. Denise Hörner

© DEval

Dr. Denise Hörner has been working as an evaluator at DEval since September 2022. Previously, she was a research assistant at the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development at the University of Göttingen, where she completed her PhD in the research training group "GlobalFood" in 2020. In her dissertation, Denise Hörner investigated the effects of different agricultural extension approaches on the adoption of sustainable soil management practices through a randomized controlled trial in Ethiopia, as well as implications for productivity and welfare of rural households. In doing so, she was responsible for designing and implementing experimental interventions as well as conducting several large-scale quantitative data collections in cooperation with GIZ. She completed her Bachelor and Master studies at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (BA Social Economics and MA Development Economics).

Denise Hörner gained further experience in the field of development cooperation through consulting activities for GIZ, her work at the Oikocredit Förderkreis Bayern e.V. as well as research internships with non-governmental organizations in Ecuador and the Philippines.

Key Qualifications

Thematic focus

Smallholder agriculture, rural development and food security,

Environmental and resource economics,

Financial inclusion

Methodological focus

Rigorous impact evaluation methods (Experimental und quasi-experimental designs),

Collection and analysis of large quantitative (household) data sets

Regional focus

Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America

Selected Publications

Hörner, D., Bouguen, A., Frölich, M., und M. Wollni (2022). Knowledge and adoption of complex agricultural technologies: Evidence from an extension experiment. The World Bank Economic Review 36(1): 68-90.

Hörner, D. und M. Wollni (2022). Does integrated soil fertility management increase returns to land and labor? Plot-level evidence from Ethiopia. Agricultural Economics 53(3): 337-355.

Hörner, D. und M. Wollni (2021). Integrated soil fertility management and household welfare in Ethiopia. Food Policy 100: 102022.


Portrait von Denise Hörner
© DEval

Dr Denise Hörner


Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-955


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