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  • Evaluator

Benjamin Back

Benjamin Back works at DEval as an Evaluator since October 2023. Previously, he worked in bilateral and multilateral development cooperation in Peru and, from 2021, for catholic development cooperation in Germany. He worked for the German Embassy in Peru, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), the Korean development organization KOICA and the Kindermissionswerk - Die Sternsinger. His focus was on strategic portfolio management, reporting, project review and monitoring the operational implementation of projects of the implementing and partner organizations. At the German Embassy in Peru, he was responsible for human rights and in charge of the priority topic of sustainable urban development and cooperation with civil society. For WFP, he prepared the cost-benefit analysis of the Peruvian school feeding program QaliWarma and worked as a scholarship holder of the Carlo-Schmid program in the field of disaster risk reduction.

After studying sociology and political science at the University of Konstanz, he completed a research stay in Bolivia on the effectiveness of microcredits and a semester abroad at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Peru as part of his Master's degree in International Development Studies at the University of Marburg.

Key qualifications

Research topics

Bilateral, multilateral and catholic development cooperation; sustainable development, sustainable urban development, human rights, civil society, disaster risk reduction, food security and school meal programs


Qualitative and quantitative methods of empirical social research

Project management

Regional focus

Latin America: Peru, Haiti, Cuba, Dominican Republic. Research experience in Bolivia.


Benjamin Back


Phone: +49 228-336907-906


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