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A Road to Improve the Use of the Evaluation Standards for Achieving Quality: A Discussion beyond Regions

The objective of the panel is to discuss from different experiences from different regions (LAC, EU, and Africa) what could be a route to improve the use of standards in the evaluation process.

The objective of the panel is to discuss from different experiences from different regions (LAC, EU, and Africa) what could be a route to improve the use of standards in the evaluation process.


  • Andrea Peroni Fiscarelli | Associate Professor and Research Coordinator at the University of Chile, Co-founded the Chilean Evaluation Network (EvalChile)
  • Ana Luisa Guzman | Evaluator of Development Programs and Projects at an International Consulting Firm
  • Laura Kunert | Evaluator at DEval
  • Dr Kerstin Guffler | Evaluator and Team Leader at DEval
  • Isaac Kiwango | Research and Consultancy Manager


  • Alfredo Dominguez | President of IOCE VOPE, Vice-coordinator of the Network for Monitoring, Evaluation and Systematization of Latin America and the Caribbean (ReLAC) and Treasurer of the National Academy of Evaluators of Mexico (Aceval),
The official logo of the Latin American and Caribbean Monitoring, Evaluation and Systematization Network (ReLAC)
The official Logo of DEval in English
The official Logo of Focelac+ in English


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Portrait von Dr. Kerstin Guffler
© DEval

Dr. Kerstin Guffler

Abteilungsleiterin: Strukturen und Prozesse bilateraler Zusammenarbeit

+49 (0)228 336907-978

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Portrait von Laura Kunert
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