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This section contains evaluation reports, evaluation syntheses, baseline reports, reviews, surveys and studies, policy briefs and publications by DEval employees.

39 result(s) found for your search.

Dejar huella

Bibliographical information

  • Esteban Tapella/ Pablo Rodríguez Bilella (2018): Dejar huella: historias de evaluaciones que marcaron la diferencia, 1a ed. - San Juan: Editorial UNSJ, 2018.
Evaluation Capacity Development Methods and standards Latin America External Publications

Policy Brief: No más cajas negras

  • Dr Johannes Schmitt

Bibliographical information

  • Schmitt, J. (2018) No más cajas negras: Trabajando con mecanismos causales en las evaluaciones, DEval Policy Brief 10/2018, Instituto alemàn de evaluaciòn de la cooperaciòn para el desarollo (DEval), Bonn, Alemania.
Methods and standards Evaluation Capacity Development Latin America Supraregional Policy Briefs

Policy Brief: Evaluando la sostenibilidad en tiempos de la Agenda 2030

  • Dr Michael Euler
  • Dr Martin Noltze
  • Ida Wiborg

Bibliographical information

  • Noltze, M., Euler, M. y Verspohl, I. (2018), Evaluando la sostenibilidad en tiempos de la Agenda 2030, DEval Policy Brief 4/2018, Instituto Alemán de Evaluación de la Cooperación para el Desarrollo (DEval), Bonn, Alemania.
Methods and standards Evaluation Capacity Development Supraregional Latin America Policy Briefs
Cover des Policy Briefs vom 2018 auf Spanisch

Impact, Diffusion and Scaling-Up of a Comprehensive Land-Use Planning Approach in the Philippines: From Development Cooperation to National Policies

  • Dr Gerald Leppert
  • Dr Lena Hohfeld
  • Dr Malte Lech
  • Dr Thomas Wencker

This evaluation report investigates the impact of ten years of comprehensive land-use planning in the Philippines. Based on a mixed-methods and quasi-experimental design, The impact evaluation assesses a technical approach to enhanced land-use planning and capacity development from community to national level, supporting decentralized planning, natural resource governance, and resilience to natural hazards and climate change.

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Bibliographical information

  • Leppert, G., L. Hohfeld, M. Lech and T. Wencker (2018), Impact, Diffusion and Scaling-Up of a Comprehensive Land-Use Planning Approach in the Philippines. From Development Cooperation to National Policies, German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval), Bonn.
Instruments and structures of development cooperation Sustainability Evaluation Capacity Development Ecology and Climate Philippines Reports
Deckblatt des DEval-Berichtes mit dem Titel "Impact, Diffusion and Scaling-up of a Comprehensive Land-Use Planning Approach in The Philippines" 2018
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