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This section contains evaluation reports, evaluation syntheses, baseline reports, reviews, surveys and studies, policy briefs and publications by DEval employees.

319 result(s) found for your search.

Spuren hinterlassen

In diesem Buch wurden Berichte über Evaluierungen im Bereich der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und sozialen Entwicklung gesammelt, die auf vielfältige und innovative Weise positive Veränderungen für die Menschen vor Ort erzielten. Die hier vorgestellten Evaluierungen fanden in verschiedenen Regionen Lateinamerikas sowie in der Karibik statt.

Bibliographical information

  • Pablo Rodríguez Bilella/ Tapella, Esteban (2018), Spuren Hinterlassen: Evaluierungen, die einen Unterschied machen, 1a ed. - San Juan: Editorial UNSJ (Argentinien).
Methods and standards Evaluation Capacity Development Latin America External Publications

Leaving a Footprint

This book compiles seven evaluation stories in development contexts, which in a diversified and innovative manner, produced positive effects in the place in which they took place. Scattered all over Latin America and the Caribbean, these narratives cover evaluation of interventions that worked with children, rural young people, indigenous women, health programmes and university self-evaluation.

Bibliographical information

  • Pablo Rodríguez Bilella/ Tapella, Esteban (2018), Leaving a Footprint: Stories of Evaluation that Made a Difference, 1a ed. - San Juan: Editorial UNSJ (Argentinien).
Evaluation Capacity Development Methods and standards Latin America

Dejar huella

Bibliographical information

  • Esteban Tapella/ Pablo Rodríguez Bilella (2018): Dejar huella: historias de evaluaciones que marcaron la diferencia, 1a ed. - San Juan: Editorial UNSJ, 2018.
Evaluation Capacity Development Methods and standards Latin America External Publications

Improving International Development Evaluation through Geospatial Data and Analysis

  • Dr Sven Harten
  • Dr Malte Lech
  • Geeta Batra
  • Anupam Anand
  • Juha Ilari Uitto

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Bibliographical information

  • Lech, Malte; Uitto, Juha Ilari; Harten, Sven; Batra, Geeta; and Anand, Anupam (2018) "Improving International Development Evaluation through Geospatial Data and Analysis," International Journal of Geospatial and Environmental Research: Vol. 5 : No. 2, Article 3
Methods and standards External Publications

Policy Brief: No más cajas negras

  • Dr Johannes Schmitt

Bibliographical information

  • Schmitt, J. (2018) No más cajas negras: Trabajando con mecanismos causales en las evaluaciones, DEval Policy Brief 10/2018, Instituto alemàn de evaluaciòn de la cooperaciòn para el desarollo (DEval), Bonn, Alemania.
Methods and standards Evaluation Capacity Development Latin America Supraregional Policy Briefs
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