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Evaluation Standards for Latin America and the Caribbean (Edition 2021)

The first version of the Evaluation Standards for Latin America and the Caribbean was created by the Latin American and Caribbean Network for Monitoring, Evaluation and Systematization (ReLAC) Evaluation Standards working group and was published digitally and in print in 2016. As was the case with the previous version, this new revised and approved edition offers a set of guidelines so that high-quality evaluations are achieved that assist decision making for development intervention measures. 

Bibliographische Angaben

  • Celeste Ghiano M., María Wehrle A. et al. (2021) Evaluation Standards for Latin America and the Caribbean / Córdoba: María Celeste Ghiano, Asunción: Andrea María Wehrle, Santiago: Andrea Peroni Fiscarelli; Sergio Martinic Valencia, México: Marcia Itzel Checa Gutiérrez, Cali: Fabiola Amariles Erazo, San José: Ana Luisa Guzmán, Lima: Luis Soberón Álvarez - 2nd revised edition.
Evaluation Capacity Development Methoden und Standards Lateinamerika Externe Publikationen
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