Expert and Scientific Consultation on Real-Time and Process Evaluations

Multiple branches of the German government are involved in the provision of support to Ukraine. Among these, the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is one of the major players. To provide a solid evidence base for BMZ’s engagement in the Ukraine and its domestic coordination efforts, DEval has agreed with the Ministry to conduct a strategic evaluation of BMZ’s engagement.

The objective of this tender is to provide expert and scientific advice to the DEval evaluation team throughout the conception phase of the evaluation. This includes consultation in support of the development of the evaluation design, methods, and case study selection, literature summaries on selected topics.

The consultant shall have comprehensive expertise in research and evaluation on conducting both real-time and process evaluations and ideally experience in international development cooperation. Experience in the fields of humanitarian aid or peacebuilding will be viewed as an additional asset. Familiarity with the Ukrainian context is also an advantage.

The consultant shall perform the following tasks on a freelance basis:

  1. Summarize existing evidence on conducting both real-time and process evaluations in fragile and conflict contexts including a review of relevant literature (English or German)
  2. Advise the evaluation team on methodological options and best practices in real-time and process evaluations and, in particular, the combination of both
  3. Support the evaluation design and methods including providing written comments, feedback as part of a workshop.

The duration of the services to be performed shall be from approximately October 17th, 2024, to December 6th, 2024.

The complete tender with all information and requirements can be found on the German tender portal:

There is also a comprehensive help section available:

The deadline for the submission of tenders is 30/09/2024 at 09:00 local time (CET).

If you have any questions about the content of the assignment, please contact the evaluators Mirjana Koeder ( and Matt Kellog (matthew.kellog( If you have any questions about the tender process, please contact Anette Koehler-Rahm (


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