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Evaluation Capacity DevelopmentMethoden und Standards

Sowing and Harvesting: Participatory Evaluation in Latin America

The community of practice and learning for participatory evaluation in Latin America and the Caribbean (EvalParticipativa) shares its experiences in the region.

Cover of the new edition from 2022 of the participatory evaluation handbook with the title "Sowing and Harvesting".
© DEval

Participatory Evaluation Handbook
"Sowing & Harvesting"

The English Edition of  the Evaluation Manual "Siembra y Cosecha" originally published in Spanish last year is the result of joint work. It is at the same time sowing and harvesting of multiple experiences and knowledge. Its pages mirror the collective thinking, feeling and learning of a great many colleagues who have been working on the subject in Latin America. With its multimedia format that combines illustrations, links to videos and complementary bibliography, this handbook tackles the long course of participatory evaluation in the region. Its chapters introduce and develop the phases and stages of participatory evaluation, the major role played by the facilitators of those evaluation processes as well as the part that participatory techniques and instruments play in this evaluation approach. With a transformational viewpoint on reality, this handbook presents participatory evaluation as a community of dialogue that, by means of sowing collective views and experiences, manages to harvest learnings of improvement to boost present and future realities. 

Documentary Series "Sowing & Harvesting"

The documentary series “Sowing & Harvesting” accompanies the Participatory Evaluation Manual of the same name. With five chapters, based on experiences from Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Colombia and Chile, this audiovisual material aims to make visible the lessons learned from participatory monitoring and evaluation practices developed by different organisations in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The different episodes present the 'experiences' through their protagonists who talk about participatory evaluation, generating interest in deepening and learning more about this evaluation approach. The EvalParticipativa community has brought together different people linked to different interventions and their respective evaluations, from people who were beneficiaries of a programme or project, technicians or members of the programme, officials in charge of the programme, and of course those who have facilitated the evaluation. Thus, in each chapter and from different contexts and realities, the protagonists talk about their evaluation experiences, their learning, achievements and difficulties.

Important Partnerships

Both projects were made possible thanks to the joint effort of different entities: the Research Program on Employment, the Environment and Society (PETAS) at the National University of San Juan (Argentina) in collaboration with Focelac+ project for Strengthening a Culture of Evaluation and Learning in Latina America with a Global Outlook jointly implemented by the German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval) and the Costa Rican Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy (Mideplan).

Documentary Series Online


Dr. Jutta Blauert

Ehemals Evaluatorin DEval

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