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Evaluation Capacity Development

Focelac+ and DEval at gLocal2022

From 30 May to 3 June, the #glocal2022 took place under the motto “EvalEvolve: how innovation is transforming M&E".

An infographic with higlights from the events on the gLocal2022
Highlights from the glocal2022 events.© GEI

This space is supported by the Global Evaluation Initiative and widely recognized as an opportunity to exchange experiences, share new research and publications, learn about new tendencies in M&E, listen to the community of evaluators, and open up spaces to engage.

Just as in 2020 and 2021, and as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic, this year the event was conducted in a virtual manner, with some 400 proposals for activities put forward by nearly 231 organizations in 53 countries, predominantly from Latin America, a region that hosted more than 180 events. More than 15,000 participants signed up and most of the activities were streamed live, reaching an even larger audience.

Several activities were accompanied by the Focelac+ project as either hosts or co-hosts, and some specific areas were supported by DEval.

Summary of activities:

Dissemination Workshop – What experiences and learnings have been made as a result of Evaluation with Participation (EwP) in Costa Rica and Jalisco? 

This space was provided to engage and discuss experiences with the inclusive Evaluation with Participation (EwP) approach in Latin America, based on government management experiences at national level in Costa Rica and sub-national level in Jalisco, Mexico.

How to manage evaluations and not die trying! 

This discussion group involved experts sharing their points of view on what good evaluation management practice means. The discussion focused on the premise that “if evaluation management is the bridge between decision makers and the technical teams evaluating their decisions, what capacity do we need to develop to build a bridge with high quality standards and not die trying?”

Breakfast listening to stories of Inspiring Female Evaluators 2.0 For the second time, female evaluation specialists shared their stories, an initiative first introduced by gLocal in 2021. This year, the women invited shared their experiences, suggested recommendations for YEEs, gave advice, and more.

A collaborative diagnosis for better evaluations: the journey of INCE 2020-2022 Experiences with applying the National Evaluation Capacities Index (INCE, for its acronym in Spanish) in different Latin American countries were shared.

Why and how to base development cooperation on rigorous evidence? An empirical study from Germany This seminar shared insights from a BMZ-funded research project at DEval that looked into the implementation of rigorous impact evaluation (RIE) and the use of rigorous evidence in German Development Cooperation (GDC).

VNRs and SDG evaluations in Anglophone Africa and Latin America: A mapping of commonchallenges and emerging good practices This was a presentation of key findings of the study on the use of SDG evaluation evidence for the preparation of Voluntary National Reports (VNRs) for measuring progress made by selected African and Latin American countries vis-à-vis achieving the 17 SDGs. 

SDGs evaluation and transformation. Perspectives from the Global South and North 

This session included conceptual and exploratory presentations, as well as a panel discussion that allowed the audience to bring in their own perspectives and questions. The focus was on the different evaluation needs and approaches of the Global South and North, to determine whether these needs and approaches are compatible and whether there is potential for more country-led approaches, to focus M&E again on local audiences for more inclusiveness and balance.

Launch of Capacity-Building School for YEEs: Evaluation for the SDGs

This event marked the launch of the evaluation capacity-building school for YEEs. This initiative is based on a needs assessment developed by P2P+ to identify SDGs capacity development requirements in LatAm. The activity included an overview of the school’s overall design, including its main features, as well as registration and class start dates.

Discussion group on how and why to conduct a workshop on the analysis of recommendations in participatory evaluations

This was a panel of experts who shared their take on this type of workshops and how to optimize their use.

Update workshop: Evaluation criteria. Towards a better evaluation practice

A workshop targeted at evaluation practitioners or managers to update their knowledge on the application of evaluation criteria. Participants were walked through the most important changes suggested by the OECD/DAC to be made to evaluation criteria recommended by them for use in program evaluations, to create better evaluation practice. Additional alternative criteria, used mainly in interventions aimed at humanitarian crises or focused on human rights, were also reviewed.

Evaluation from outta space -Geospatial Impact Evaluation of Climate Resilience Strengthening in Conflict Settings

This was a presentation of a tested design of a geospatial impact evaluation of irrigation infrastructure in Mali: assess impacts on food security, child health, women empowerment, social cohesion, and the ecosystem by integrating geocoded project locations, remote sensing data, geocoded survey data, and remote focus group discussions.

The Focelac+ team will remain involved in activities and initiatives arising from this exchange week, with the aim to increase their dissemination and reach, i.e. to go beyond the many activities packed into one week, while at the same time preparing the gLocal2022 report and initiating preparations for the gLocal2023 week.


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