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Hier finden Sie Evaluierungsberichte, Synthesestudien, Baseline-Berichte, Reviews, Surveys und Studien, „Policy Briefs“ sowie Veröffentlichungen von DEval-Mitarbeiter*innen.

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Policy Brief: What Do We Know About the Effects of Private Sector Engagement?

  • Valerie Habbel
  • Amélie Gräfin zu Eulenburg

Development cooperation has created a range of instruments to support private companies wishing to invest in partner countries whilst also pursuing development goals. These instruments are primarily expected to mobilise the additional funding needed to finance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). But as to how far private sector engagement is achieving this and other objectives, until now the only research has taken the form of evaluations
and academic studies on individual projects and instruments. In the evaluation synthesis by DEval (Habbel et al., 2021) the available evidence on private sector engagement is analysed systematically for the first time. This policy brief summarises the most important findings and recommendations from the evaluation synthesis by DEval. 

Bibliographische Angaben

  • Habbel, V. und A. G. zu Eulenburg (2022), What Do We Know About the Effects of Private Sector Engagement?, DEval Policy Brief 3/2022, German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval), Bonn.
Zusammenarbeit mit der Privatwirtschaft Instrumente und Strukturen der EZ Policy Briefs

Evaluation Synthesis - Private Sector Engagement

  • Valerie Habbel
  • Magdalena Orth-Rempel
  • Johanna Richter
  • Steffen Schimko

Cooperation between development policy actors and the private sector is becoming increasingly important, among other reasons because the development community anticipates that it will mobilise additional resources for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Until now, however, the only research on whether the goals of such cooperation have been achieved has taken the form of evaluations and academic studies on individual projects and instruments. This evaluation synthesis attempts to fill this gap by systematically analysing the available evidence on private sector engagement within German and international development cooperation.

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Bibliographische Angaben

  • Habbel, V. et al. (2021), Evaluation Synthesis – Private Sector Engagement, German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval), Bonn.
Zusammenarbeit mit der Privatwirtschaft Instrumente und Strukturen der EZ Deutschland Überregional Berichte

Policy Brief: COVID-19: The General Public's Attitudes towards Development Policy Measures and Vaccine Distribution

  • Jens Eger
  • Dr Sebastian H. Schneider
  • Nora Sassenhagen
  • Dr Martin Bruder

This policy brief summarises the results of a representative survey on international solidarity during the coronavirus pandemic among 1,000 individuals in Germany conducted in November 2021. These show that despite the acute coronavirus situation in Germany, the high level of public support for measures to tackle the pandemic in the Global South provides a solid basis for development cooperation. 

Bibliographische Angaben

  • Eger, J., S. H. Schneider, N. Sassenhagen and M. Bruder (2022), COVID-19: The General Public's Attitudes towards Development Policy Measures and Vaccine Distribution. Results of a Survey on International Solidarity during the Coronavirus Pandemic, DEval Policy Brief 2/2022, German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval), Bonn.
Covid-19 Deutschland Policy Briefs

Policy Brief: Evaluierung aus der Vogelperspektive: Innovativer Einsatz von Fernerkundungstechniken

  • Dr. Gerald Leppert
  • Dr. Malte Lech
  • Saman Ghaffarian
  • Norman Kerle

Eine systematische Nutzung von RS-Daten ermöglicht durch Hinzunahme einer räumlichen Dimension eine bessere Beantwortung der Evaluierungsfragen. In diesem Policy Brief wird der methodische Ansatz von DEval zur Analyse von hochauflösenden RS-Daten unter Anwendung von Bildklassifizierungstechniken und Techniken des maschinellen Lernens (ML) vorgestellt. DEval hat den Ansatz in enger Zusammenarbeit mit RS-Fachleuten der Fakultät für Geoinformationswissenschaften und Erdbeobachtung (ITC) an der Universität Twente in den Niederlanden entwickelt.

Bibliographische Angaben

  • Leppert, G., M. Lech, S. Ghaffarian and N. Kerle (2022), Policy Brief: Evaluierung aus der Vogelperspektive: Innovativer Einsatz von Fernerkundungstechniken, DEval Policy Brief 4/2022, Deutsches Evaluierungsinstitut der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (DEval), Bonn.
Methoden und Standards Philippinen Policy Briefs

Evaluation of Interventions for Climate Change Adaptation. Instruments for Managing Residual Climate Risks

  • Dr. Gerald Leppert
  • Alexandra Köngeter
  • Kevin Moull
  • Dr. Cornelia Römling
  • Dr. Johannes Schmitt

'Residual climate risks' are those climate risks that remain after risks have been reduced through mitigation and adaptation. To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, residual climate risks need to be managed effectively. So far, only sporadic evidence is available on the effectiveness of instruments for managing these risks. Against this background, the present evaluation module report fills the knowledge and evaluation gap on the relevance and effectiveness of the instruments applied so far to manage residual climate risks.

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Bibliographische Angaben

  • Leppert, G. et al. (2021), Evaluation of Interventions for Climate Change Adaptation. Instruments for Managing Residual Climate Risks. German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval), Bonn.
Umwelt und Klima Nachhaltigkeit Überregional Berichte
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